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Xia Qing

Xia Qing



Qing XiaAssociate Professor

Tel: +86-10-82805676; +86-10-82805519

E-mail: xqing@bjmu.edu.cn     xiaqingpku@gmail.com

Address: Department of Chemical Biology School of Pharmaceutical SciencesPeking University, Beijing 100191, China


Peking University, Beijing

Ph.D. in Pathology and Pathophysiology, 2004

Ph.D. Advisor: Professor Shi-gong Zhu

Dissertation: Ghrelin protects cortical neuron against focal ischemia/reperfusion in rats

Shandong Academy of Medical Sciences, Shandong Cancer Biotherapy Center, Jinan

M.S. in Immunology, 2000

M.S. Advisor: Professor Zhi-gang Tian

Thesis: Interleukin-15 and SCF Promotes the Commitment of Cord Blood CD34 positive stem cells into NK Cells

Shandong Medical University, Jinan

B.S. in Clinical Medicine, 1997

Professional Background

Peking University, Beijing

School of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Associate Professor of Chemical Biology, 2011–present

Assistant Professor of Chemistry Biology, 2006–2011

Peking University, Beijing

School of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Postdoctoral Research Associate, 2004–2006

Postdoctoral Advisor: Professor Kui Wang

TeachingGeneral Chemistry Chemical Biology

Research Interests

Our research interests are broadly based on neurochemical biology, neurophysiology and molecular medicine. Key areas in our lab are:

  Function and regulation of metals and metalloenzymes in nervous system. Defects in biological regulation of metal ions are linked to neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer ’s disease and Parkinson’s diesease. The focus of our study is on elucidating the role and regulation of metal ions and metalloenzymes in nervous system.

  Targeting and probing lymphatic drainage pathway in central nervous system using novel strategies in chemical biology. Lymphatic drainage is a holistic approach to move toxins and other products away from healthy cells, but the lymphatic drainage pathway in central nervous system has not been well described. We explore novel chemical biological tools aimed at tracking the pathway and identifying modulator in this process.

Honor and Awards

  ‘Young Scholar’ Fellowship, Peking University Health Science Center, 2010

Representative Publications (* for corresponding author)

1.             Xia Q*, Feng X, Huang H, Du L, Yang X*, Wang K. Gadolinium-induced oxidative stress triggers endoplasmic reticulum stress in rat cortical neurons.J Neurochem.2011, Apr;117(1): 38-47.

2.             Feng XD, Xia Q*,Yuan L, Huang HF, Yang XD, Wang K*. Gadolinium triggers unfolded protein responses (UPRs) in primary cultured rat cortical astrocytes via promotion of an influx of extracellular Ca2+. Cell BiolToxicol. 2011, Feb; 27(1):1-12.

3.             Zhao MX, Li JM, Du L, Tan CP, Xia Q*, Mao ZW*, Ji LN. Targeted cellular uptake and siRNA silencing by quantum-dot nanoparticles coated with β-cyclodextrin coupled to amino acids. ChemEur J. 2011, Apr 26; 17(18):5171-9.

4.             Zhao MX, Huang HF, Xia Q,*,Ji LN, Mao ZW*. γ-Cyclodextrin–folate complex-functionalized quantum dots for tumor targeting and site-specific labeling.J. Mater. Chem., 2011, 21, 10290–7

5.             Feng X, Xia Q*, Yuan L, Yang X, Wang K*. Impaired mitochondrial function and oxidative stress in rat cortical neurons: implications for gadolinium-induced neurotoxicity. Neurotoxicology. 2010, Aug; 31(4):391-8

6.             Xia Q*,Feng XD, Yuan L, Wang K, Yang XD*.Brain-derived neurotrophic factor protects neurons from GdCl3-induced impairment in neuron-astrocyte co-cultures.Sci China Chem. 2010, Oct; 53 (10):2193–9

7.             Zhao MX, Xia Q*,Feng XD, Zhu XH, Mao ZW*, Ji LN, Wang K. Synthesis,biocompatibility and cell labeling of L-arginine-functionalbeta-cyclodextrin-modified quantum dot probes. Biomaterials. 2010, May; 31(15):4401-8.

8.             Zhao YB, Ye LH, Liu HX, Xia Q, Zhang Y, Yang XD, Wang K. Vanadium compounds induced mitochondria permeability transition pore (PTP) opening related to oxidative stress.J InorgBiochem. 2010 Apr;104 (4): 371-8

9.             Xia Q, Yang XW, Yang XD, Qian ZM, Wang K. Drug delivery via the transferring receptor-mediated endocytosis pathway. J. Chin. Pharm. Sci. 2009, 18 (1): 1-7.

10.         Zhang L, Zhang Y, Xia Q, Zhao XM, Cai HX, Li DW, Yang XD, Wang K, Xia ZL. Effective control of blood glucose status and toxicity in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats by orally administration of vanadate in an herbal decoction. Food ChemToxicol. 2008, 46(9): 2996-3002.

11.         Mao XQ, Zhang L, Xia Q, Sun ZF, ZhaoXM, Cai HX, Yang XD, Xia ZL and Tang YJ. Vanadium-enriched chickpea sprout ameliorated hyperglycemia and impaired memory in streptozotocin-induced diabetes rats. BioMetals. 2008, 21(5):563-570.

12.         Zheng YH, Xia ZL, Chen LB, Zhao XM, Xia Q, Song XJ. Variations in blood pressure and heart rate in conscious rats with cervical lymphatic blockade. Chin J Physiol. 2008, 51(3): 178-85.

13.         Miao YY, Xia Q,Hou ZC, Zheng Y, Pan H, Zhu SG. Ghrelin Protects Cortical Neuron Against Focal Ischemia/reperfusion in Rats. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communication. 2007, 359: 795-800

14.         Zhang J, Xia QSun R, Tian ZG. Interleukin-15 Promotes the Commitment of Cord Blood CD34+Stem Cells into NK Cells. Journal of Microbiology and Immunology. 2004, 2(1):40-44

15.         Xia Q, Pang W, Pan H, Zheng Y, Kang JS, Zhu SG. Effects of Ghrelin on the Poliferation and Secretion of Spleen T Lymphocytes in Mice. Regulatory Peptides. 2004, 122 (3): 173-8.